Assalamulaikum and good day ❤

My name Norfatiha Binti Anuar. I am student from Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI). Bachelor in Science (Mathematics) with elective of Science. 

This blog is created for one of my elective course which is SSI3013: Information and Communication Technology in Science.

This course actually most all the lecture are all about the ICT. ICT is the shortform for Information Communication and Techonology.  As we know, nowaday ICT is the faster infrastucture and modern component nowadays. So, this course should be teach in all the university. 
This is because we can use the ICT to make more understanding about the knowloedge. I'm thanks to our university because this course available for me and the rest. SSI3013 is one of the available course for the ICT. 

So, SSI3013 will discuss all the rational and the advantages can we get from the ICT whic are application in Science Education. Furthermore, this course will covered about the interactive learning technologies. That are about simulation,modelling, spreadsheets, animation, interactive whiteboard, current Web Technologies and others.

Who is our lecturer? 

Mr.Azmi Ibbrahim
is our SSI3013 lecturer, his room number Block 01 ( Science and Mathematics Faculty) 
Blok 01 (Fakulti Sains dan Matematik ), Level 2.
What is interesting about him? He is lecterur.!Yes, of course he is our SSI3013 lecterur but on the same time he his  Jackfruit entrepreneurs. You all can visit his blog here:

 Okay that is a few information about my SSI3013 lecterur.

Let's we continue what  are the assessment should my friends and I do for this course.There are the list of assessment. Check it out. 

Document Analysis 
Data Logger

Total:     100%

I think, you all will think "Where is Final Exam?" Alright, this is one of interesting part. This course there no final exam. So, we need to score this course with all this assessment. Interesting right. I can guarantees this course is actually interesting by using the ICT. 

Next, There are 5 assignment must my group and I should be done. Yes, there are 3 assessment shoul be done in group. Who are my group member? 

From front: Teacher : Renashine, Tang, Ain Hanis and the last one is Me! ❤ 
They was with me from early semester and until now together to finish up all the SSI3010 assignment. 


With this oppotunity, I want to thanks to our SSI3013 lecturer,Mr.Azmi Ibbrahim for teaching us about the ICT in the education and also thanks to my group member because there are a lot of things we have been done together for this course. Thanks. ❤


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